Photoshop tutorial to create a magic leaf wallpaper. Click more to read the full tutorial
Create new layer: size: 500 * 500 Pixels, resolution: 72.
Fill background with black color.
Take Custom Shape tool. In shapes options, take shape of leaf.
Use parametrs like below:

Push Ctrl and then click on leaf in Layers palette.Next go to Filter -> Render -> Clouds. And Click Ctrl + D
Next go to Filter -> Blur -> Radial Blur.Use paramatrs like below:
Next go to Filter -> Sketch -> ChromeUse paramatrs like below:
Now we colorize leaf. Go to Image -> Adjusments -> Hue/Saturation. Parametrs:
Now dublicate layer with leaf and change blanding mode to Screen
To second layer Apply filter Radial Blur
Now go to Filter -> Distrot> -> Twirl.
Again go to Image -> Adjusments -> Hue/Saturation. Parametrs:
And we are done :)